Cinec2014 opens tomorrow Sunday 21st

Cinec2014 opens tomorrow Saturady 21st.
Transvideo and Aaton-Digital exhibit on booth 3A-25.

The Aaton's Cantar-X3, voted best audio product at IBC2014, will be demonstrated to the Film community.
Transvideo exhibits the StarliteHD with accessories as the viewfinder attachement, also the latest CineMonitorHD8 X-SBL for Steadicam application.
Daily demos of the CineMultiTrack, multi target distance measurement system.

You can see our products in action on the following boths:
A&C Ltd
Dedo Weigert Film
Schulz Camera support

Film Director Anthony Dod Mantle about the StarliteHD

"I have spent my entire career since the advent of digital image capture..celebrating the gradual improvements all of onboard monitor has been slow from almost 'dinosaur ergonomics ' to what I now consider to be state of the art manufacturing and performance .Not only do I  rejoice in the image quality and finger tip functioning..I am actually catching myself celebrating it's very  Design finesse and portability.Congratulations to all the team surrounding its evolution"